Homework assignments – have become a more challenging task nowadays. Students get easily confused when it comes to completing a single assignment. Assignment service providers are the easiest assignment help options they can opt for while facing challenges. But sometimes, they unknowingly making mistakes while working on such assignments can cause great harm, especially if they opt for plagiarism to complete an assignment. They can go to a tutor, parent, teacher, a friend or consult a textbook. But despite all these options, there are some points when they cross the line into cheating? 

When does it happen? 

When assignments are not ready, and a student can’t complete them within the deadline. Even it can happen when they do not understand the motive of the homework and feel helpless. They take assignment help, but that is not enough for them. 

Generally, the assignment service providers are very strict about their accuracy and plagiarism policy. But apart from that, students sometimes think that the information given is not satisfactory enough. They started to include several other sources, but that is considered plagiarism when you are simply going for the ‘cut paste’ option. Most of the time, the line is blurry. When it’s crossed, it constitutes academic misconduct. Academic misconduct generally happens in any action or attempted action that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for yourself or others. 

Learning or cheating? 

There is a wide range of academic misconduct that happens by the students. These can include: 

1) Fabrication: This is one of the most common misconducts a student has. 90% of students admit that they fabricate their assignments after taking the assignment help. This is an invented fact by researchers. 

2) Falsification: This is also misconduct where data is manipulated in an inaccurate form to portray results. This can be happened by taking research results out of context and drawing conclusions not supported by data 

3) Misrepresentation: It means you are falsely representing yourself. You state that you are a Graduate of the University of Oxford, whereas it is not in real life.

4) Plagiarism: It is happened when you are using other people’s ideas and taking advantage of some other’s invention and hard work. Plagiarism can happen without appropriate attribution. 

Sometimes, it is also evident that teachers and students have different academic misconduct arguments. For example, according to research, around 45% of academics though getting someone else to correct a draft could constitute academic misconduct. But only 32% of students thought the same thing. 

Cheating on an assignment – a myth or truth?

Only to prepare a great assignment, but that’s not true. Cheating is an unavoidable fact that most students opt for while learning school and colleges, and they adopt the art of cheating even at the exam venue. Though there are many assignment help to help them out, they tend to take out the most reliable information to frame their assignments. 

According to researchers and psychologists, the real reasons vary just as much as the students’ explanations. They cheat for different reasons. But educators are still in the process of identifying the motives behind cheating and thinking critically about solutions to keep even the most audacious cheaters in their classrooms from doing it again. 

Research says that “34% self-reported doing it more than two times. Most of the time, it is evident that one out of three high school students admitted that they used the Internet to plagiarize an assignment.” 

Status says that “36% under graduates students copy sentences from an Internet source to footnoting the assignments.” 

Here are the most effective reasons on why students cheat on assignments and exams? 

  • Students might feel confused and not understand the meaning of the assignment’s topic. They may have different models of appropriate help or collaboration or what comprises plagiarism. 
  • Students might blame their cheating behavior on unfair tests or professors.
  • One of the most prominent reasons for cheating is: if the assessment is very high-stakes or if they have low expectations of success due to perceived lack if ability or test anxiety. 
  • Students might be in high-grade competition with their fellow students to stand out in the crowd and for getting A+ grade, of course. 
  • They also think that they might perceive the possibility to cheat without getting caught. 
  • Many students are highly motivated by grades and might not see a relationship between learning and grades. 

The rules are: 

If certain rules exist and academic professionals and students maintain that, then cheating can be decreased even after taking assignment help

Validity: This is useful when the assessor is confident that the student has the skills and knowledge required by the module or unit. 

Sufficiency: This can work when you think that the assessment evidence’s quality, quantity, and relevance is enough for the assessor to make a judgment.

Authenticity: This is one of the prime processes where the assessor is confident enough that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work.

Most teachers learn the hard way to get over their students from this academic misconduct. However, there are some techniques available to reduce cheating on homework. Students tend to take the path of plagiarism despite taking assignment help. This tendency can be reduced if there are specific rules are followed. 

Assigning less homework: This is one of the most evident ways to reduce the students’ plagiarism tendency. When they are overloaded with work, they start cheating on their assignments. Therefore, assigning limited homework can be a great way out! 

Provide extra class time: If teachers get co-operative enough towards the students and they provide extra class time to them. Then this major problem can be solved. They will discuss the issues with teachers and find out the solution. 

Giving meaningful work: As a teacher, if you find students cheat on homework, they probably lack the vision for how the work is beneficial. So, teachers need to make students understand the priority of the given assignment and clear the meaning. 

Discuss the problem: If every teacher becomes cooperative enough and discusses the consequences with the students, it will become easy to find the solution. Discussing problems and solving issues is a great way to stop cheating. 

Ending Note,

If students and teachers are co-operative, it will be easy to pause cheating. Students have to understand that plagiarism is nothing but academic misconduct which they shouldn’t for the sake of their future. But for that, both students and teachers both need to be co-operative to solve the major issue. Getting help on an assignment doesn’t mean that it turns into cheating. Students must be careful about that

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