When it comes to mission-critical operations, accuracy is key. Mistakes can have devastating consequences, especially when lives are on the line. This was the case in April 2021, when a serious incident software miscalculated the weight of three passengers on an aircraft and caused it to crash. This tragedy highlights the need for reliable software systems that can handle complex calculations with precision and accuracy. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how this incident could have been prevented and what lessons can be learned from it. We will also explore some of the best practices used in developing serious incident software systems so that similar incidents don’t happen again.

What is serious incident software?

Serious incident software is a type of software that is used to help manage and investigate serious incidents. These types of software are designed to help organizations manage and collect data about serious incidents, as well as track and analyze trends.

How does it miscalculate weight?

The software used by the Department of Health to calculate an individual’s weight is not working properly, and as a result, many people are being miscalculated.

The software uses a person’s height and gender to come up with an estimation of how much they should weigh. However, it does not take into account different body types, muscle mass, or fat distribution. This means that some people who are considered overweight by the software may actually be healthy, while others who are considered to be a healthy weight may be overweight.

This problem is especially concerning for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. If the software tells them they are heavier than they actually are, they may be discouraged from continuing their efforts. Conversely, if the software tells them they are lighter than they actually are, they may not be as motivated to stay on track.

The good news is that the Department of Health is aware of the problem and is working on a fix. In the meantime, if you’re concerned about your weight, it’s best to consult with a doctor or nutritionist who can give you a more accurate assessment.

What are the consequences of this miscalculation?

There are a few consequences of this miscalculation. First, if an aircraft is carrying more weight than what is shown on the software, it could lead to safety issues. The plane could have difficulty taking off or staying in the air. Additionally, this miscalculation could also lead to problems with the landing gear and cause delays during takeoffs and landings. Moreover, if the software continues to miscalculate weights, it could result in a loss of revenue for the airline as they would have to re-route or cancel flights.

How can this be prevented in the future?

The best way to prevent similar incidents in the future is to have a better understanding of the software and how it works. In this particular case, the software miscalculated the weight of three people. This can be prevented by having a better understanding of the software and how it works. Additionally, it is important to have a clear understanding of the data that is being input into the software. In this case, the weight data was inputted incorrectly, which led to the miscalculation. By having a clear understanding of both the software and the data that is being inputted, such incidents can be prevented in the future.


This article has highlighted the serious incident that occurred when a software miscalculated the weight of three people. The incident showed how important it is for businesses to make sure their systems are up to date and properly tested before being used in any situation. By learning from this incident, businesses can make sure they use accurate and reliable software in order to avoid similar incidents from occurring again – ultimately making the world a safer place for everyone.

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