Mikan Tsumiki is an imaginary person from the manga series Danganronpa. He is the hoodlum who assists different ninjas with overcoming the detestable Yokozuna. He is areas of strength for an and frequently battles close by different ninjas. In the anime, he is known as a “mikan”, which means’monster’ in Japanese. Mikan additionally shows up in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.

Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki Mioda is an understudy of Hope’s Peak Academy’s Class 77-B and member in the Killing School Trip. She holds the title of ‘Extreme Musician’. She has an exceptional style of music that has spellbound large numbers of her fans. In the computer game, she should be visible singing and playing guitar, which are the two exercises she appreciates.

Ibuki Mioda is a particular person who bears everything to all onlookers. She is very chatty, frequently breaking the fourth divider by making statements at least a couple of times. She is clearly and striking, however she has a quelled side when she is encircled by her companions. Her unpredictability makes her a tomfoolery character to watch and takes advantage of her natural abilities. In the event that you have a soft spot for idiosyncratic characters, Ibuki might be an ideal young lady for you.

Hiyoko Saionji
Mikan Tsumiki is the ideal foil for Hiyoko Saionji, who is defenseless and has low confidence. In the anime, Mikan is inclined to over-saying ‘sorry’ being effortlessly threatened, and stammering apprehensively when she talks. In spite of the fact that her personality was never sincerely connected with Hiyoko, Mikan was ideally suited for Hiyoko on the grounds that she is something contrary to Mikan, a sucker who generally needed to satisfy others.

Mikan’s consistent tormenting of Hiyoko made her angry. While she was tormenting Mikan, she coincidentally stumbled over her shoes and scratched her knee. Mikan assisted Hiyoko with her injuries, however Hiyoko opposed, taking off in disgrace. The two were both regretful after Hiyoko had apologized to one another.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Whenever he awakened, he heard a voice on the opposite stopping point. It was the voice of Mikan, a previous Neo World Program member. Fuyuhiko got back to Mikan and sat tight for his reaction. He checked out at Mikan’s face with an awkward look. Whenever she replied, he sounded humiliated. He falters with a stammering look.

In spite of the fact that Mikan was a secondary school understudy at Lapis Lazuli Girls High School, she enlisted at Hope’s Peak Academy to turn into a Ultimate Nurse. She became companions with the understudies at the foundation, including Hiyoko, Ibuki, and Mahiru Koizumi. She likewise befriended Sato, who was an executioner. In the “Dusk Syndrome Murder Case”, her past was uncovered.

Mahiru Mikan Tsumiki is a Japanese attendant who spends significant time in ladies’ medical problems. She was manhandled as a youngster and grew up figuring out how to deal with herself. Mikan before long became keen on nursing and acknowledged she partook in the sensation of control she acquired from really focusing on individuals. Accordingly, she has worked at emergency clinics, hospices, and, surprisingly, in her old neighborhood. Notwithstanding, her enthusiasm for nursing in the end turned into her defeat.

As a youngster, Mikan went to Lapis Lazuli Girl’s High School. She later went to Hope’s Peak Academy as a Ultimate Nurse. She got to know Ibuki, Hiyoko, Mahiru Koizumi, and Sato. In any case, when her companion Natsumi Kuzuryu is killed, Mikan is accused. Hiyoko, in any case, later apologizes, and Mikan’s life turns out to be more than muddled.

Peko Pekoyama
Peko is the beneficiary of one of the most impressive yakuza families in Japan. His toddler face makes him an obvious objective for brutality. He meets Mahiru when she discovers that her sister, Sato, was killed and the foundation concealed it to safeguard their standing. Mahiru’s regret drives Peko to kill her, believing that he’s arranged it.

Last Words:
In Danganronpa 2, Peko Pekoyama is a partner of the Ultimate Gangster Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. Kuzuryu has Peko as his own guardian and hired gunman. Whenever Peko arrives at the finish of the film, he is encircled by a crew of robot samurai. She later bites the dust after Mikan Tsumiki cuts her throat.

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