Clappr on Chromecast: Clappr is an open-source media player that allows developers to create user-friendly media players on their websites. The thing is that we have to import the Clappr and plug it in to make and stream it right on the webpage.

If we are trying to send any video file to any webpage, Clappr will make it simpler. Just by opening the webpage, the video gets streamed on your device with the help of the Clappr media player. You can use a Chromecast Clappr media player with a web page to watch the contents on TV.

Features of Clappr

  • Clappr is a free streaming media player
  • The autoplay features allow you to watch the videos continuously after the webpage is loaded.
  • Hide media control allows disabling media control.
  • Clappr also supports various video formats such as MP3, MP4, WEBM, HLS. RMB and JPG.
  • If we are loading any on-demand media MP4, it is possible to preload accordingly to preload attribute options well. You can also know about 

Some of the methods to stream with Chromecast clappr

Chromecast Clappr to TV

You can use either your Smartphone or TV to Chromecast Clappr,

  1. Open Clappr webpage on Chrome browser
  2. Click the cast button on your right side of this page
  3. It shows the available devices and you can choose your device
  4. Click the Source drop-down button
  5. Choose the CAST TAB option.
  6. Now click the device name to cast your tab

The video now will play on the TV and you can enjoy that.

Chromecast Clappr to the TV from Google Chrome browser

  1. Just open the Google Chrome app on your PC
  2. Then find the Clappr imported webpage
  3. You can choose the CAST option on the Right side of the page.
  4. The device finds the available Chromecast device, provided with Chromecast device and PC are connected with the same WIFI network.
  5. Choose your Chromecast device from the SOURCE drop-down button, choose the CAST tab
  6. Check the radio button near the device name to stream the shows on TV.

(Good for Mac and Windows PC)

Screen Mirroring from Android Phone

  1. Connect your Android phone and Chromecast device to the same WIFI network.
  2. Click the setting option and choose Connected devices
  3. Choose Connection Preference on the next screen.
  4. Now select the CAST option.
  5. Just tap on the three-dotted menu and choose ENABLE WIRELESS DISPLAY.
  6. From the pop-up message choose the option Start now. You can see your TV mirrored with your mobile phone.
  7. Now open the Clappr imported webpage on any of the browsers, then stream it.

Screen Mirror from iPhone

We just want help with 3 apps- Streamer of Chromecast, Replica, or Screen Mirror for Chromecast.

Plugin Clappr

Clappr is HTML 5 first, used by most modern technologists to support Desktop, TV, Smartphones, and tablets.

Clappr is provided with 360-degree plugins. This helps you to display your playback status on the screen.

Core Plugin – Access or modify all components of the player.

UI Core Plugin –  Same as CorePlugin, renders users inference elements like Thumbnails and Chromecast.

Container Plugin – Access and modify playback and control it.

UI Container Plugin – Same as ContainerPlugin, but with user inference elements such as watermark, banner.

Media Control- Able to access media files with own control, 

Plugin Parameters

The plugin parameters are passed through parameters objects under the Chromecast key:

APP ID: Indicates what Chromecast application ID is used.

Content type: The default content type used by the plugin at the time of loading the video. The plugin infers its value from the URL source, if not present.

Media: The Metadata to be present on Chromecast applications,

Type: The type of the media (movie, series…..)

Title: The title of a movie, video, or episode.

Subtitle: The subtitle of a movie, video, or episode.

Images: Content URL images such as thumbnail

Release Date: ISO 8601 Date/Time of release

Studio: For movies only

Original AirDate: ISO 8601 date when the episode aired ( TV Episodes Only)

Series Title: Title of the Series ( TV Episodes Only)

Season: Season of the episode (TV Episode Only)

Episode: Number of the Episode (TV Episode Only)

Poster: URL image that should be used as a poster when Casting

Custom Data: An object that is used to pass additional parameters to a custom receiver.

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