Before you leave the house, map out the route you will take to the nearest grocery store. Take note of landmarks along the way. Visualize what it will take to get from A to B and avoid the busiest hours. Then, bring your own bags and stick to a schedule. This way, you won’t be caught off guard by the crowds at the store. Also, pay attention to the price per pound or ounce.

Bringing your own bags

Bringing your own bags to grocery stores is an easy way to save money and help the environment at the same time. You can buy reusable tote bags at the cash register or bring your own canvas bag. Reusable bags are usually washable and are designed to be used multiple times. You can also bring produce bags to the store instead of buying plastic ones. Although most produce doesn’t need to be bagged, it’s still a good idea to bring your own.

Besides grocery stores, the law also applies to other types of shopping. You can use your bags at clothing stores, home improvement stores, and more. You don’t have to worry about losing them or forgetting to bring them with you – many stores provide reusable bags for free. Bringing your own bags is an easy way to protect the environment, save money, and avoid a plastic bag landfill.

Avoiding shopping alone

While shopping at the grocery store, avoid being the only person in line. This will make you less visible to strangers and help you maintain the 6 foot social distance bubble. A foldable shopping cart will be useful if you need to buy two weeks’ worth of groceries. Also, avoid shopping at the store in the afternoon or early evening. During the flu pandemic, shopping alone may be the worst time to go.

Planning your shopping trip to avoid the busiest times to get to the nearest grocery store

The busiest shopping times at the nearest grocery store tend to be on the weekends when people are loading up on snacks, cold cuts, and drinks. For this reason, planning your shopping trip to take advantage of less crowded times is crucial. For example, don’t plan your grocery shopping trip for the morning on Sunday, when people are likely to be in the mood for a huge meal. Instead, go early in the morning on a weekday or on a weekend when people are less likely to be in the mood to shop.

According to the Time Use Institute, the best times to shop at the nearest grocery store are early in the morning and midday. You can expect less traffic during these times, and a wider selection and fresher items. Ideally, you should plan your shopping trip to avoid the busiest times so that you can take advantage of double sales and smaller crowds. In addition to avoiding peak hours, it’s also important to plan your shopping trip to take advantage of storewide sales.

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