What does the abbreviation EUC stand for? As indicated by Kidizen, the shortening EUC is most generally utilized on web commercial center sites like eBay and stands for “Superb Used Condition.” This is utilized to depict things that are being sold that have practically zero mileage, 


EUC – Excellent Used Condition. These things have practically no blurring because of wash or wear. VGUC – Very Good Used Condition. A posting with this tag could make them blur from washing or wear; it won’t have stains or openings. 


An electric unicycle (EUC) is an individual transportation gadget that deals with the guideline of self-adjusting like a Segway however just has one wheel. The rider controls the heading and speed of the EUC by inclining in reverse or forwards. 

What does the abbreviation EUC stand for?

As per Kidizen, the contraction EUC is most regularly utilized on web commercial center sites like eBay and stands for “Amazing Used Condition.” This is utilized to portray things that are being sold that have practically no mileage, yet that has been utilized. In the case of something new, the dealer would depict it as “NWT” and that signifies “New With Tags” or “NWOT” which stands for “New Without Tags.” A comparative abbreviation that an eBay, Poshmark, or Depop merchant could utilize is VGUC, which stands for “Generally excellent Used Condition.” This is somewhat more worn than EUC, yet at the same time portrays a thing that has little mileage. The condensing EUC can be utilized to depict any kind of thing that is being sold, including yet not restricted to attire, furniture, and innovation, and that’s just the beginning.

As per The Free Dictionary and Acronym Finder, the abbreviation EUC likewise has plenty of different definitions, however, these are more uncommon than “magnificent utilized condition.” One ought to be cautious while utilizing abbreviations with numerous implications so the peruser does not get confounded. Ensure the setting is clear while utilizing abbreviations like EUC.

•    End-User Certificate

•    Electronic University Consortium (of South Dakota; distance schooling)

•    Outrageous Unicycling Championship

•    Improved Understeer Control

•    European University Cyprus (Cyprus)

•    Crisis Unemployment Compensation

•    End User Customer

•    Episcopal Urban Caucus

•    Crisis Ultrasound Consultants, LLC (Bear, DE)

•    Central Undercurrent

•    European Union Commission

•    Global Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (IFIP International Conference)

•    Feelings took care of

•    European Ultimate Championships

•    End-User Check

•    Electrolytes, Urea, Creatinine (Clinical)

•    End User Computing

•    Energy, Utilities & Chemicals

•    Expanded Unix Code

•    End User Council

•    Eutrophication Committee (OSPAR Commission)

•    Euclid Railroad

•    Electric Unicycle (transportation)

•    Gear Under Control

•    European Union Center

What are equivalent words and antonyms for the abbreviation EUC?

There are many words that somebody can utilize that have comparable importance to the abbreviation EUC. For this, somebody can utilize a word called an equivalent. An equivalent is a word or expression that implies exactly the same thing as a given word or expression. For this situation, somebody could decide to utilize an equivalent rather than the abbreviation EUC to keep away from disarray or to find a word they can say resoundingly, or to somebody who is curious about internet-based commercial center contractions. This rundown of equivalents is given by Word Hippo Thesaurus.

•    unremitting

•    undented

•    safe and sound

•    transport shape

•    impeccable

•    safe

•    plain

•    faultless

•    protected

•    whole

•    great

•    unscratched

•    stable

•    secure

•    unadulterated

•    neat and tidy

•    unmarred

•    flawless

•    normal

•    perfect

•    well

•    spotless

•    fine

•    unaltered

•    fair

•    flawless

•    great

•    unharmed

•    untroubled

•    healthy

•    safe

•    unaffected

•    whole

•    new

•    unsullied

•    perfect

•    unpolluted

•    cleared

•    sound

•    strong

•    flawless

•    perfect

•    unaltered

•    like new

•    pristine

•    solid

•    untainted

•    undisturbed

•    unsevered

•    sound

•    mint

•    immaculate

•    continuous

•    clear

•    flawless

•    all-around great

•    unmutilated

•    unsullied

•    untainted

•    consistent

•    in one piece

•    unscarred

•    impeccable

•    as new

•    together

•    unruffled

•    safe

•    clean

•    unblemished

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