Children today have many options for extracurricular activities. The list of activities that children can do is endless: swimming, dancing, piano lessons, and karate. 

It’s an excellent idea for your child to participate in extracurricular activities. They can make friends with others their age and be part of a larger community. They are able to build confidence, make new friends, and learn new skills. 

What is suitable for your child’s health?

Find activities that are both stimulating and enjoyable for your child. Some children are more sporty than others. Meanwhile some are more creative.

For example, children with autism may find the stress and noise associated with team sports too overwhelming. They may prefer to be in controlled sports such as swimming or rock climbing, which are more predictable and allow them to take control of the environment.

Even better, if you can arrange a time and class where you have the rock-climbing or pool all to yourself. You might also find classes for people with sensory issues at some centres.

These tips will help you narrow down your search for the perfect activity.

Ask your child what they would like to do. Give them the chance to voice their opinions and participate in decision-making. This is a great way for children to be involved in the activity right from the beginning.

Consider their disabilities and abilities. What do they enjoy doing? What are their strengths? You want them to have fun with their extracurricular activities and be proud of the achievements they make. You should also consider their disability. If they are in a wheelchair or have a disability, balloon netball might be the right option.

Look into programs for children with disabilities – many after-school programs are available for children with disabilities. These programs may be the right fit for your child depending on where you live and what your child needs.

Talk to the organisers to find out the details of the program or activity and how they can adapt it to your child’s needs. Are they trained to assist children with disabilities? Are they inclusive?

It can take some trial and error to find the right activity for your child, just like it does for all children. It is possible to enrol your child in a term of classes only to discover that they don’t enjoy it after three weeks. You can quickly get a feel for what your child enjoys and where they feel most at home by trying out different activities.

Finding hobbies and activities that you enjoy doing with your child now will help them get ready for the future.

It doesn’t matter if it’s singing, acting or playing an instrument. You might play games, draw, or do something else entirely. Exploring different options is well worth it. These skills will last a lifetime and you are helping to build your child’s confidence and skills.

Eben Mission offers disability activities in Sydney where we provide young people of ages 10-25 the opportunity to build their musical skills and perform in front of diverse audiences.

Contact our friendly team today for a conversation about your child’s interests and to discuss the activities that might interest them.

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