Plagiarism means using another person’s words, or ideas without accreditation. Sometimes it is a case of intentional theft of someone’s work. But more often it happens by accident, or forgetfulness. There are different types of plagiarism within an academic task. Irrespective of the type, it is necessary to remove plagiarism but on the other hand, is always a time-consuming task. Hence to save time, students often take help from plagiarism removing tools. But using these tools for removing plagiarism from an academic task is an offensive act.
Within this context, this article, expert assignment writers will suggest to students some simple techniques for removing plagiarism manually.
When writing an academic article, students need to rely on the work of others. They have to use a variety of resources for getting both information, and evidence. It is impossible for them to completely avoid the use of someone else’s work. This happens commonly in the drafting of academic work. So for ensuring effective academic tasks, they can include these steps to remove plagiarism without the usage of any tool;
- Create the source library you used within your research.
- Paraphrase, or cite your sources (and add your ideas).
- Credit the original author within the text, as well as bibliography.
- Check and ensure the similarity index before submitting final draft.
The following section will further describe the above four aspects in detail. It will also discuss a few other important steps to remove plagiarism.
Step 1: Conduct Research Before Writing
For all academic tasks, no one can neglect the importance of research. A majority of the students conduct research, but they fail to test, or properly analyse their findings. Due to this they commit to the usage of other’s ideas as it is easier to include within the research. So to remove plagiarism, all students must complete the research aspects before they start writing. This will help them in gathering, and better structuring their ideas with relevant sources.
Step 2: Consider Other’s Work Only To Find Evidence
While outlining the research paper, the writer has a list of topic sentences for each paragraph. The topic sentences based alignment must be according to the thesis statement. So if a student wants to remove plagiarism from his/her task, he/she must only gather evidence from other works. Still while writing this evidence, they should avoid word to word paraphrases. Students should instead try to understand, and describe the learnings in their own words for transparency purposes.
Step 3: Be Honest While Creating A Reference List
There are many places in the dissertation where a student needs to consider other works. For example, in experimental design, results analysis and discussion is an important section. Here students should not shuffle others’ words for dodging the plagiarism checking tools. Further, in the case of using others’ words, students should remember to properly cite them. So to remove plagiarism, students need to remain honest.
Step 4: Paraphrasing Techniques
The paraphrasing techniques help students in removing plagiarism. But most of the time, tutors never allow students to paraphrase others’ ideas. This is because stealing someone else’s ideas is also an act of plagiarism. So the students should avoid word to word, and para to para rephrasing. Because it might reduce the similarity index, but it’ll result in casting a negative impact on the research quality as well. And with such techniques, they won’t be able to properly remove plagiarism either.
Step 5: Proper In-Text Citation
The techniques to remove plagiarism need honesty in making a reference list. Likewise, in-text citation is also important for crediting other authors. These in-text citations aim to hint at the readers. It tells them about the piece of information you collected from someone else work. In short, highlighting in-text citations is also a good practice to remove plagiarism.
Step 6: Revise Each Fact To Enhance Reliability, As Well As Validity
The research department pays more attention to the aspect of plagiarism removal. They do so to avoid stacks of research with the same ideas. Research does not mean presenting a single idea in several ways. In contrast, research means unfolding many unique facts about the words. So manually the researcher can use other data with his/her own evaluation. Critical evaluation of the facts can further remove plagiarism from an academic task.
Step 7: Check The Similarity Index
After following all above-mentioned tasks, the researcher must check the similarity index. For similarity index checking, the selection of a credible website is also important. In case the similarity index is high, then its report will help them in rewriting, or removing similar content.
Step 8: Submit The Final Draft
Afterward following all the above mentioned tips, your plagiarism-free content will be ready to submit. This article discussed one of the major concerns that students commonly have. I hope that the discussion provided you with a clear cut solution to this plagiarism related issue.